
corporate philosophy


We strive to approach everything with a calm and honest heart; an open mind free from any bias.

  • President Yamazaki and Chairman Iida

Message from the Presidentmessage

代表取締役社長 山﨑 隆博 代表取締役社長 山﨑 隆博

Taking on new challenges
towards progress

The electronics component industry continues to make remarkable progress day by day. As one of the key industries in the world, we believe the market will continue to expand in the long-term.
Guided by our philosophy of contributing to society through our business, we at Iida Electronics have continued to contribute to the electronics industry and responded to the needs of the changing times. Given the strong need for global environmental preservation, we are currently strengthening efforts in new energy and environment-related fields, which have been attracting attention as new fields for demand generation.
From a global standpoint, we are working to expand our business as a global company by further strengthening our production and sales activities in Asia, the world’s production center and major consumption area.
We will continue to take on new challenges to be the best partner in the industry by providing solutions created with the electronics technologies we have developed over the years.